Event Objective

Celebrating the fifth anniversary of KISQALI's presence in Egypt.


Holding an event with a character of authenticity and uniqueness in Abdeen Palace, so that it is an unforgettable event in the memory of the guests and also to emphasize that there is still hope for women with breast cancer to live a better life and have a greater chance of survival.


The symphony was written at a time when Beethoven already knew that deafness was his fate. His condition began in 1798, and it took sixteen years until he was completely deaf. During his treatment at a health resort in Heiligenstadt in 1802, he started writing his 5th symphony. Over four years, it became the most popular symphony of all time, if not the greatest! Beethoven expressed five feelings he already felt through his deafness journey respectively, while he was writing 'The 5th Symphony': Fear, Confusion, Hope, Faith, and Triumph. Eventually, those are the same feelings a breast cancer patient experiences throughout their journey with breast cancer. It starts with the Fear after being diagnosed, then moves to the Confusion about their future and whether there is any hope. Hope emerges with the right treatment, followed by their Faith and compliance with it. The journey ends with the Triumph they achieve through all the survival data that provides them with the quality of life they need to keep moving forward. This Triumph is what KISQALI has been providing in Egypt for the last five years! Just like a maestro playing 'The 5th Symphony,' setting the pace of his patients' lives.

Main Visual

3D Items


Client: Novartis EGY

Agency: OREVAN, Cairo

Creative Director: Karim Taha 

Senior Creative Storyteller​​​​​​​: Aly Mobarak

Senior Graphic Designer: Shenoda Helmy

Graphic Designer: Mostafa Ahmed

3D Designer : Ahmed Ibrahim


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