XR-ent Adventurers

Campaign Objective

Generating an idea to engage the internal team in the diabetes area while switching from the Janumet brand to the Janumet XR brand.


Creating an interactive and engaging activity for the team through which we can leave a single-minded message of Switching in people’s minds.


Adventurers go through many obstacles during their journeys, but MSD adventurers are a unique type, as they reach new horizons to help their patients. Their journey from Janumet to Janumet XR is a true example of how they are excellent adventurers. They are XR-ent Adventurers.

Main Visuals


Client: MSD KSA

Agency: OREVAN, Cairo

Creative Director: Karim Taha 

Creative Storyteller​​​​​​​: Aly Mobarak

Graphic Designer: Mostafa Ahmed


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